학회소식 The Regular Winter Conference of LSK (Linguistic Society of Korea)
페이지 정보
2023년 한국언어학회 겨울학술대회 개최 안내
한국언어학회 회원님들께,
한국언어학회 2023년 겨울학술대회가 ‘AI 시대의 언어 사용과 분석, 그리고 연구방법론(Language Uses, Analyses, and Research Methodologies in the AI Era)’이라는 주제로 12월 9일(토) 경희대학교에서 개최될 예정입니다.
회원 여러분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.
-한국언어학회 드림-
The Regular Winter Conference of LSK (Linguistic Society of Korea)
Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to announce that the regular LSK winter conference will be held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, on 9 December 2023. Its theme is “Language uses, analyses, and research methodologies in the era of A.I.” and it also features a session of Asian language studies with invited speakers from Japan, Philippines, and Taiwan. We welcome to the academic fest abstracts for papers on the relevant aspect of linguistic analyses and methodologies with special focus on AI-related linguistic studies as well as general linguistic studies.
The details are as follows:
Sincerely yours,
Iksoo Kwon
On behalf of the organizing committee
한국언어학회 회원님들께,
한국언어학회 2023년 겨울학술대회가 ‘AI 시대의 언어 사용과 분석, 그리고 연구방법론(Language Uses, Analyses, and Research Methodologies in the AI Era)’이라는 주제로 12월 9일(토) 경희대학교에서 개최될 예정입니다.
- Plenary speaker
- Dr. Ira Noveck (Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)): Isolating the pragmatic contribution of utterances and even words
- Invited speakers
- Dr. Hiromu Sakai (Waseda University): Neural representation of semantic concepts revealed by MEG
- Dr. Shirley Dita (De La Salle University): Tagalog response system: issues and challenges
- Dr. Shu-ing Shyu (National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung): Mandarin Ye: Additivity or Scalarity?
- 주요 일정
- 11 Sept - 27 Oct 2023 Abstract submission (Extended)
- Nov 2023 Notification of acceptance
- 9 Dec 2023 Conference
- 초록제출 및 문의사항
초록제출 및 학술대회 관련 문의사항은 아래의 e-mail로 연락주시기 바랍니다:
한국언어학회 (lsk202324@gmail.com) 혹은 권익수 (조직위원회 위원장, kwoniks@hufs.ac.kr)
회원 여러분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.
-한국언어학회 드림-
The Regular Winter Conference of LSK (Linguistic Society of Korea)
Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to announce that the regular LSK winter conference will be held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, on 9 December 2023. Its theme is “Language uses, analyses, and research methodologies in the era of A.I.” and it also features a session of Asian language studies with invited speakers from Japan, Philippines, and Taiwan. We welcome to the academic fest abstracts for papers on the relevant aspect of linguistic analyses and methodologies with special focus on AI-related linguistic studies as well as general linguistic studies.
The details are as follows:
- Plenary speaker
- Dr. Ira Noveck (Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)): Isolating the pragmatic contribution of utterances and even words
- Invited speakers
- Dr. Hiromu Sakai (Waseda University): Neural representation of semantic concepts revealed by MEG
- Dr. Shirley Dita (De La Salle University): Tagalog response system: issues and challenges
- Dr. Shu-ing Shyu (National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung): Mandarin Ye: Additivity or Scalarity?
- Important Dates
- 11 Sept - 27 Oct 2023 Abstract submission (Extended)
- 6 Nov 2023 Notification of acceptance
- 9 Dec 2023 Conference
- Contact Information
Any inquiry regarding abstract submission should be addressed to Iksoo Kwon (lsk202324@gmail.com or kwoniks@hufs.ac.kr), the conference organizer.
Sincerely yours,
Iksoo Kwon
On behalf of the organizing committee
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