회원동정 State of affairs preparations for ICL XXI (Poznan 2024)
페이지 정보
State of affairs preparations for ICL XXI (Poznan 2024)
1. Finally, all plenary speakers accepted.
2. This is the final list:
Title Name Mail
prof. Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak arleta@wa.amu.edu.pl
prof. Felix Ameka f.k.ameka@hum.leidenuniv.nl
prof. Joseph Lo Bianco j.lobianco@unimelb.edu.au
prof. Barbara Citko bcitko@uw.edu
prof. Sun-Ah Jun jun@humnet.ucla.edu
Ana Suelly Arruda Camara
Cabral asacczoe@gmail.com
prof. Yaron Matras y.matras@aston.ac.uk
prof. Martine Robbeets robbeets@shh.mpg.de
prof. Andrey Shluinsky ashl@yandex.ru
prof. Isabella Buniyatova buniyatova@gmail.com
prof. Eugeniusz Cyran eugeniusz.cyran@kul.pl
1. Finally, all plenary speakers accepted.
2. This is the final list:
Title Name Mail
prof. Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak arleta@wa.amu.edu.pl
prof. Felix Ameka f.k.ameka@hum.leidenuniv.nl
prof. Joseph Lo Bianco j.lobianco@unimelb.edu.au
prof. Barbara Citko bcitko@uw.edu
prof. Sun-Ah Jun jun@humnet.ucla.edu
Ana Suelly Arruda Camara
Cabral asacczoe@gmail.com
prof. Yaron Matras y.matras@aston.ac.uk
prof. Martine Robbeets robbeets@shh.mpg.de
prof. Andrey Shluinsky ashl@yandex.ru
prof. Isabella Buniyatova buniyatova@gmail.com
prof. Eugeniusz Cyran eugeniusz.cyran@kul.pl
ICL212024-List of plenary speakers.pdf (80.2K)
6회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-07-07 15:42:33
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